Birthdate: May 20, 2000
How did you start surfing/ how long have you been?
I first started surfing when I was 10. My best friend Matthew and I would always go out with his dad to Capitola .
Shortboard? Longboard? Both?
I like to longboard more, but love to ride twins and mid lengths.
Favorite surfer(s)?
Tyler Warren and Adam Replogle.

Dream surf trip/ dream set up?
Fiji or Noosa would be my dream trip. I’d bring a fish, mid length and log.
How often do you surf?
I tend to surf 5 days a week give or take, depending on the crowd.
What gets you out in the water?
The joy of getting the closest I can to walking on water and levitating.

Photos by Calissa Kloepfer and Edin Markulin.

Favorite band/artist/ genre?
Mt. Joy and other alternative music.
Hobbies besides surfing?
I tend to find my self taking photos if I’m not surfing or shaping boards.
Favorite board? Favorite fin?
My favorite board that I have ridden is a city fog CJ Nelson board that my uncle has that I’m trying to get off him.