Birthdate: September 19, 1998
When did you start surfing?
The first time I was in the ocean was when I was 6 months old in Hawaii, since then my family has keep me in the water as much as possible! Some of my first waves on a surf board was surfing in Capitola, getting pushed in by my dad when i was 4! After that the ocean became the best babysitter, daycare and past time!
Shortboard? Longboard? Both?
I like to take a multi-disciplinary approach to surfing! The more the merrier for board types and sizes! I grew up surfing old longboards and single fin short boards, so now i can hop on anything and have a good time!

Favorite board? Favorite fin?
Source Surfboards 9’8” “Lincoln log” and Rainbow fins “Dano Noseglider”
Dream surf trip/ dream set up?
My dream trip would be to go to Bali and surf every possible left I can find!
How often do you surf?
I spend a lot of time in the water, i try to get in ever day of the week, if it’s really good I’ll go 2 or 3 times a day!
What gets you out in the water?
I get stoked to go surfing and get in the water because there is no preconception of what to do, meaning that every time I’m in the water a new way of doing something is possible! While having the freedom of being surrounded by nature, friends, and having fun in the ocean, gives me maximum self enjoyment everyday!

Favorite surfer(s)?
Robert “Wing Nut” Weaver, Mark “CJ” Charles Nelson, Alex knots, Miki Dora and Joel Tudor
Nat young, Mason Ho, jordy smith, Dane Reynolds and John John Florence
Favorite band/ artist/ genre?
Surf punk and Lo-Fi house music
Hobbies besides surfing?
Skiing has always been a big part of my life! If I wasn’t in the ocean I was most likely sliding on frozen water all around California!

Photos by Edin Markulin, Wetfeet.